Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Am I depressed?

The next Tuesday I was still leaking fluid but at a much slower rate. An ultrasound was done to see what things looked like. He was still there. The rest is a blur. We simply waited for the heartbeat to stop.

As Tuesday's came and went several things happened. Dr. G wanted to put me on an anti-depressant at one appt and I refused. He told me it was normal to be depressed, anyone would be. I wasn't sure what depression was, I knew I was very sad. I cried all the time. He kept pressing and got me to agree that I talk to 2 people and if they thought I was drepressed I would at least try.

I spoke to two people, I guess a therapist or psychologist and maybe a social worker. They asked me how I felt about group therapy. I told them it would not work because I would not say anything. That's all I recall. I went back to Dr G and he put me on prozac and sent me to a therapist. Now I know what you are thinking because I had all those thoughts too. PROZAC!!!!! Is he kidding me, that makes people kill people. He explained that it was the one OB's knew about giving during pregnancy. Hmmm. It took me about 3 weeks to try the prozac. It made me so sick I never took it again. So I was sent to a psychiatist so she could figure out what to give me. :-) That turned into an adventure I'll tell you about later.

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